Day 9: Catchlights Win!

There's something in photo editing called an eye pop. If you looked at the tutorial I linked, it's clear that its a HUGE pain. I'm trying more and more to rely on good photography rather than editing (who has time to spend hours a day in GIMP?). Yesterday I went to my phototography board and asked them to "teach me like I'm stupid" how to get the eye-pop effect (or catchlights, as they're referred to when not edited in) straight out of the camera. Their advice worked! In the photo above it looks like Moses is cheering for me!  In case you're wondering, it was as simple as facing him towards a window during prime sun time. Who knew?

The one on the left doesn't give the best view of his eyes, but I like the fact that it looks like he's cheering me on!

Here's a similar shot, but with a better look at his eyes.

This one doesn't show his eyes, but I love the expression on his face and his blurred hand in the background.

His left eye is a little soft in this one, but I still like it. Calin says it looks like a political campaign poster, so here's this one, just for fun:

And the original, in colour:

A nice close up of him looking straight at his mama.

P.S: here's an eye-pop I did in GIMP a few months back before I got my new camera. Making the eyes pop in camera definitelty looks more natural.


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