Day 98: Black and White Storyboard

I've been working on black and white conversions a LOT this week. It's become a not-so-mild obsession. I have been trying to figure out how to make them have "true black" and "true white" and not be "muddy"--unfortunately I only have a vague idea of what any of that means, lol. Anyway.

I got this idea from the book How To Photograph Your Baby. It has tons of simple tips on getting better baby photos and different projects and ways to display them. It's a pretty basic book, but it's good for someone who is JUST starting out.

Taking these photos was also a challenge because Moses was sleeping in my lap while I took most of them. Then when he woke up I got the one of his eyes. This would have definitely not have been possible without my new wide-angle lens adapter. Usually trying to take photos of Moses while he sleeps on my lap is a total lost cause, but I think these worked out pretty well.

Please let me know what you think about the black and white conversions, and any suggestions you might have to improve. My husband is a little tired of having to tell me "Yes, it's still muddy" lol, and I think he has started telling me that everything's great in order to not have to make him look at a new edit every 2 minutes.


Lolo @ Crazy About My Baybah

Thanks for the tip!!! I can not wait to check out that site. :)


cute, cute! i love baby parts!


These are beautiful detail shots. I love that they are in B&W. Nice job!


I might just have to have another baby to get photos like these! But then you'd have to come over and teach me how you captured these moments! Awesome - in a word.

Wendhy Jeffers Photography

I love baby collages. It is beautiful!

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